Via Fast Company
Medical innovations that save lives, extend longevity, or increase access to care. Read about the winner, a high-tech bassinet that helped hospital maternity wards survive the pandemic.
Biotres, Biotricity
DeskView, InnoCaption
Edible bar codes, TruTag
#FlipYourScrip, RemediChain
FOLX Health, FOLX Health
Healthdot, Philips Experience Design
HOPE InVent, FluidIQ
Jurata Thin Film, Jurata Thin Film
Luci, Luci
Materna Medical, Materna Medical
Moving Together, Together Senior Health
PaleoRestore, PaleoBiotica
Safer Childbirth Cities, Merck
The Jada System, Alydia Health
TrueLimb, Unlimited Tomorrow
TYRX Absorbable Antibacterial Envelope, Medtronic