Introducing LUCI, smart wheelchair technology for the most fearless people on Earth.
LUCI prevents tips, collisions and falls before they happen, so we can see a curb like this for what it really is: just a harmless little piece of concrete separating the sidewalk from the street.
LUCI adds smart technology to your existing power wheelchair for stability, security, and connectivity.
LUCI’s goal is not autonomy, it’s independence.
Learn more about what “smart” means when it comes to freedom and power wheelchairs.
Enhanced Mobility Platform
Collision Avoidance
Drop-off and Tip Protection
Cloud-based Communication and Alerts
Alexa® and Google Assistant® Compatibility
LUCI gives power wheelchair riders unparalleled stability, security and connectivity through cloud-connected software and hardware mounted between the seat and wheels of their current chair.

LUCI connects riders with their caregivers and the world around them.
And, LUCI knows Alexa®.

Our patented system combines stereo vision, infrared, ultrasonic and radar data into a single view of the world, enabling never-before-seen possibilities for power wheelchair riders.
As seen in
What people are saying about LUCI
Intel® RealSense™ technology is used to develop products that enrich people’s lives by enabling machines and devices to perceive the world in 3D. LUCI leverages Intel RealSense to map the world in a low-power, cost-effective way to make drop-off protection and collision avoidance possible, and we’re excited to be a part of this inspirational effort to deliver innovation that improves lives.”
Head of Product Management & Marketing,
Intel RealSense Group
The envelope of who is going to be able to safely operate a chair in a whole variety of environments just opened right up.”
Independence Care System
I was blown away by not only the product and the innovative features of LUCI, but just the whole culture and the rider-focused passion that was brought to its unique design. It’s going to be a game changer for a lot of people who use power wheelchairs, but I also think LUCI is going to open up power mobility for people who might not have been candidates before. Most importantly, it will enable power wheelchair riders to go places and do things with greater ease, confidence and safety.”
Clinic Coordinator for the Center for Inclusive Design and Engineering
University of Colorado Denver
Ready to Order LUCI?
Give us a call: 800-621-LUCI