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This page is intended to serve as notice under 35 U.S.C. § 287(a).

LUCI Models


Patent Numbers

U.S. Pat. Nos. 10,599,154; 10,606,275; 10,656,652; 10,739,769; 11,075,910; 11,154,442; 11,334,070; 11,604,471; 11,730,645; 11,760,645; 11,786,419; 11,892,851; 12,059,380; D887314; D887315; D887316; D887908; D918694; D951834; D996307; D1004490.

Other patents pending.


US Patent Pending 17,194,246

Other patents pending.

Although all efforts will be taken to keep this list updated it may not be up to date at the specific time you visit this link. Absence of any property from this list does not prevent enforcing any and all legal rights associated with the property.


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